3 Helpful Steps To Take When Purchasing Gold Jewelry


If you're looking to buy gold jewelry, it's important to not take this transaction lightly. To come out on the winning side, you'll want to take these calculated steps when purchasing any gold jewelry piece. 

Research Prices Beforehand 

A jewelry seller offering a certain price for a gold piece doesn't make it a fair deal. After all, they're in the business of making money — maximizing their profits as much as they can. So that you don't overspend on any gold jewelry item, come into these transactions with ample knowledge about the piece's value.

There are plenty of online gold jewelry estimators you can use to see how valuable a certain item is. You'll just need to know basic information, such as the jewelry piece's brand, condition, and name. Once you gather a price baseline, you'll have added negotiating power with the seller. You can show them comparative price estimates if their prices seem unfair.

Have Premium Items Professionally Inspected 

If you plan on purchasing a premium gold jewelry piece — costing thousands of dollars — then you need to be sure the piece is legitimate. You can do this with ease when you have the gold jewelry piece inspected by a professional.

Bring someone who's experienced in the jewelry industry, be it one of your friends, colleagues, or an actual appraiser. Have them take a good look at the piece you're interested in buying, with the seller's consent. If they point out any red flags that indicate the gold's lack of authenticity, take their advice and keep shopping.

Select a Gold Type

To help you narrow down your options when buying gold jewelry, you'll want to assess the different types of gold available. Some of the most coveted include yellow, rose, and white gold. Yellow gold is one of the more standard options. It's the purest color and perfect if you're looking for that status symbol.

White gold is a little more durable than yellow gold because of its platinum consistency. It offers an appealing modern look that is also more affordable compared to pure gold. Rose gold has a pinkish hint to it, which is often popular for feminine jewelry. Since it does contain copper, it's one of the more durable gold types on the market.

Gold jewelry pieces are a great way to show off style and sophistication. Buying this type of jewelry can be an overall positive experience if you know what you want and understand exactly what you're buying. Contact a company like Longhorn Jewelry Exchange to learn more.


5 October 2018

Knowing How To Accessorize With Jewelry

When a friend of mine gave me an impromptu makeover, I realized that I needed to improve the attention that I gave to my appearance. I invested in some new clothes, and then I went shopping for jewelry. However, I didn't know how to choose or match pieces, so my first few outfits were a little confusing. Fortunately, my friend came to my aid and walked me through how to wear jewelry the right way. I was really impressed with her help. This blog is all about me helping you to accessorize with jewelry. Read here to find out how to look better than ever.